Monday, December 27, 2010

When the Baron Cried Out...

Yes, I know I'm two days late. But Merry Christmas, everyone!!! How was your day? What'd ya get? :)
I got a tablet *insert over-excited squealing here* And a plethora of gift cards ^^ The Doctor Who Christmas special was pretty sick too. I was very excited about that, and when I learned that Doctor Who is going to be filming (or has already been filmed) in the US!!!!!
So yeah, that's it. Quick little Christmas update for you guys! Lemme know what ya did! Didja go somewhere? Stay home? Go to the moon? Go to Pigfarts on Mars?
Merry Christmas guys, and happy new year.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I am me. Plain and simple.

Try and change that and I might just punch you in the head. Now remember before you read this post that I am bisexual. And damn proud of it.
This post is mostly because my best friend recently texted me saying that her mother told her that people who are gay and lesbian are "wrong" and "messed up". And when my best friend said that she didn't believe that's true, her mother responded with 'when you're standing at Heaven's gate, you're going to regret it.'
When I simply replied to the text with 'woooow. well other than that what's up?' she seemed kind of surprised and said "you don't even care that she said any of that?"
My response was simple.
I do care. But I know that I'm not messed up or wrong even if people think I am. I know I'm perfect the way I am. And I know that even if people do think it about other people, it's not true. So I'm not going to let it bother me.
Because I am me.
Plain and simple.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmastiiiime is heeeeere

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas :D
Some friends and I are getting together this coming Saturday and walking through the mall, arms linked, Singing Christmas carols. I'm super excited! We're even gonna do a flash mob like thing (we're hoping). If we do, we're gonna pull an Elf. One us is going to jump up on a chair randomly, and start singing Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town, then someone else will join in, then someone else, and so on and so forth, until (hopefully) the whole food court is singing! Someone (probably my little brother) is gonna film it, so look out for the video on my youtube channel!
I dunno if we need some sort of permit for this, but I'm planning on going to the mall either tonight or tomorrow night with a friend to ask if we do.
What are you guys doing for the holidays? Are you going somewhere? Staying home? Lemme know!

Happy holidays, everyone!