Friday, May 6, 2011


        I blame the media. I blame the media for putting the idea in our heads that, in order to be attractive, we have to be so thin and so tall and wear certain clothes and do our hair a certain way.
        The media has given us this ideal that we need to be as thin as a rail and as tall as a pole and only eat certain things and look like models. Tell me, do you want to be so skinny that you're unhealthy?
I didn't think so.
         I blame the media for all the shit girls put themselves through. The women you see in billboard ads and in magazines? They don't really look like that. In fact, chances are, they look more like you than they do the images you see. Because the images you see? That's not them. That's what makeup, and hair curlers or straighteners, and fans, and Photoshop.
          The girl you see me as, that's real. That's me. No photoshop, no makeup, just loving myself for who I am.
         My friend just said "If the definition of beauty gets any thinner, nobody will fit."
Love yourself for who you are. Because you, just as you, are beautiful. - Dove Evolution - Onslaught - another great


What shall I call you?:
Gracie. Or GG. I dunno, it used to bug me when people called me GG, but it's kinda growin' on me

Why are you taking this quiz?:

Promise not to get offended?:
Er, sure I guess.

Great! Any last words?

Personal Life

How’s life treaten’ ya?:
Relatively good. SO. MUCH. RAIN.

Are you happy with your life right now?:
S'pose I could be happiER, but yeah, I'm happy.

What could make it better, even if you are?:
Rrrrg. Maybe parents who, y'know, aren't divorced?

Who do you live with?:
Mom and dad, separately

How do you feel about this?:
I have more places to put my stuff now! But my room at my mom's is still super messy. MUST. CLEAN.

Do you have a history of traumatic events in your life?:

How is school?:
It's SCHOOL. Do you expect me to say something POSITIVE here?

Do you have lots of friends?:
I'd like to think so.

How do people generally perceive you?:
Uhm. I dunno. That'd be interesting to find out. I know some people don't like me. And someone thinks I'm a whore apparently.

How do you generally perceive people?:
I don't judge a book by it's cover, if that's what you're asking.

Are you a bitter person?:
Not really.

Do you easily get jealous of people?:
Eh. Doesn't everyone? I mean, some more than others, obviously. I kind of got off-track here. What was I talking about again? Ooh look a bunny.

How do you channel your anger?:
I cry or read or write.

How well do you trust others?:
I trust people.

Your Appearance

Do you think you are attractive?:
Yes. Not to sound conceited, but yes. I do.

Why or why not?:
I'm just happy with my appearance.

What is your favorite physical feature?:
My back. And my neck, like, where it sort of... I dunno, flows into my shoulders? I guess is how I'd say that.. My mom says I have an Audrey Hepburn neck.

Why do you choose this, above all?:
I LOVE BACKS (not to sound like a creep) and I love the curve of a neck. THERE. THAT'S THE PHRASE I WAS LOOKING FOR. THE CURVE OF THE NECK.

What do you think of your eyes?:
I like 'em.

Do you like the person you see in the mirror?:
Most days. There are, however, days when I look in the mirror and think "FFFFFFU. i look like crap." But everyone has those days.

Do you have a nice body?:
I guess so? My mom calls me Skinny Minnie.

Have you ever been happy with your appearance?:

What about unhappy?:
Hasn't everyone?

Has anyone ever called you ugly?:
Uhm. Not to my face. But someone once wrote "Grace *insert last name here* is a whore" in a bathroom stall at school.

Do you think you’re ugly?:
Not really. Like I said, everyone has those days where they wake up and think FUUU. I LOOK SO SHITTY.

Were you blessed with physical qualities?:
Excuse me? Are you talking about my boobs or something?? you inappropriate survey. But sure. I guess?

How important is appearance to you?:
Eh. I don't obsess over it. Although, I do have the common teenage-girl-OH-GOD-I-HAVE-A-HUGE-ZIT-ON-MY-NOSE-OR-FOREHEAD-OR-SOME-OTHER-OBVIOUS-PLACE moment.

Friends and Social Life

Let’s be vague. In general, do you like people?:
Usually. They don't normally make me want to kill small children or kick puppies.

Do you have a high or low tolerance for stupidity?:

Are you acceptant of others’ beliefs?:
So long as they don't try to shove it down my throat, sure.

Do you think you have lots of friends?:
Didn't I already answer this?

What do you think of the friends you do have?:
I love 'em. Most of the time.
Nah, they're like my family. Only a LOT LESS SANE.

Do you believe that ‘friendship is golden?:
*sings* Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, and the other gold. :musicnote:

Do you have a best friend?:
Quite a few, actually.

How long have you known this person?:
Fffff. since kindergarten, so like... 11 years? going on twelve :)

Are they like a brother/sister to you?:

Are you shy?:

Are you outgoing?:
HAHA. Have you MET me?! It's hard to keep me quiet.
... No sexual jokes please.

Have you been hurt by people?:
Mhm. :p

Have you ever intentionally hurt anyone, physically or emotionally?:
Not on purpose :O

Why or why not?:
Well I'd like to think that I'm a nice person and hurting people on purpose is NOT VERY NICE.

The things no one likes to talk about! (Touchy questions ahead.)

Has someone close to you ever died?:
Yes. My grampa and my uncle :(

Do you think about suicide?:

Have you ever tried to commit suicide?:
As a matter of fact

Do you cut?:

Do you suffer from Clinical Depression?:

Do you have an STD?:

Have you ever taken illegal drugs?:
I'm going to make a song using the word NO.

Why or why not?:

Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol?:
Ew and ew.

Last Questions

Did this quiz make you uncomfortable?:
Nope. I have FRIENDS who make me more uncomfortable than this quiz did.

Were you honest?:

Monday, May 2, 2011


kids these days. *sigh*

kids these  days are mean. just plain mean. and ruthless, and awful. my brother went to the Ryan Haligan assembly today. this kid's dad comes to my school every year and talks about bullying, and about what it did to his family.

his son killed himself because he was being bullied. because kids were spreading rumors. because kids were mean. its... i love kids. i really do. i love babysitting, and i love playing with little kids, but sometimes, i hate them. they can be really really awful. and the same goes for high schoolers. i can't STAND half the kids at my high school. they annoy the CRAP out of me. and they're just plain rude.

next time you're going to say something that might hurt someone's feelings, or isn't true, think. a lot.

fangirl crushes and fezzes

moving on. it has recently occurred to me how much of a fangirl crush i have on Arthur Darvill (AKA Rory Williams from Doctor Who) he's super cute and super nerdy and i just LOVE HIM.

i mean, JUST LOOK AT THIS MASSIVE HUNK OF ADORABLE. he's just too cute. sometimes i can't even stand it.

also, please enjoy this photo of Matt Smith in a fez. because fezzes (and bow-ties and stetsons) are cool.

Friday, April 29, 2011

baby i was born this wayyyy
now, i'm not complaining. not even a LITTLE.

it seems like every time i turn on the radio nowdays (which, honestly, is not often) within the first hour of having it on, i hear at LEAST one song about feeling good about yourself.


seriously. it used to be all RAPPING AND GUNS AND SHOOTING PEOPLE AND SEX IN CLUBS. and now it's all 'feel good about yourself because you ROCK.' 

maybe i'll start listening to the radio more often... if only they played disney songs :p

songs that make one feel good about oneself: - fuckin' perfect by p!nk - who says by selena gomez and the scene - born this way by lady gaga - firework by katy perry - just the way you are by bruno mars

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Master

"A person who is a master in the art of living makes little distinction between their work and their play, their labor and their leisure, their mind and their body, their education and their recreation, their love and their their religion. They hardly know which is which, and simply pursue their vision of excellence and grace, whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing. To them, they are doing both," - some random zen guy.

To me, this quote means that if one loves what one is doing, it's hard for one to distinguish between work&play, and even harder for others to distinguish it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RIP :(

RIP Connor Menning.
I didn't know you.
Hell, I went to a different school than you.
I don't know why you killed yourself.
All I know is that you did.
And I know that life sucks sometimes.
And so does the human race.
I just wish you hadn't had to take your own life.
I'm sorry buddy.
I wish somehow, we could go back in time and stop it from happening.
So even though I didn't know you, you're going to be sorely missed. By all.
We'll all wear purple tomorrow to honor you and the loss we've suffered, even those of us who didn't know you.
So RIP, Connor Menning.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Welp. I'm doing a display for my internship at the library. I'm thinkin' I'm gonna do it on classic works of fiction. So far I have Sherlock Holmes, The Princess Bride(is that a classic??), Grimm's fairy tales,  Rip van Winkle & the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and The War of the Worlds.

Can y'all think of any others?