Friday, May 6, 2011


What shall I call you?:
Gracie. Or GG. I dunno, it used to bug me when people called me GG, but it's kinda growin' on me

Why are you taking this quiz?:

Promise not to get offended?:
Er, sure I guess.

Great! Any last words?

Personal Life

How’s life treaten’ ya?:
Relatively good. SO. MUCH. RAIN.

Are you happy with your life right now?:
S'pose I could be happiER, but yeah, I'm happy.

What could make it better, even if you are?:
Rrrrg. Maybe parents who, y'know, aren't divorced?

Who do you live with?:
Mom and dad, separately

How do you feel about this?:
I have more places to put my stuff now! But my room at my mom's is still super messy. MUST. CLEAN.

Do you have a history of traumatic events in your life?:

How is school?:
It's SCHOOL. Do you expect me to say something POSITIVE here?

Do you have lots of friends?:
I'd like to think so.

How do people generally perceive you?:
Uhm. I dunno. That'd be interesting to find out. I know some people don't like me. And someone thinks I'm a whore apparently.

How do you generally perceive people?:
I don't judge a book by it's cover, if that's what you're asking.

Are you a bitter person?:
Not really.

Do you easily get jealous of people?:
Eh. Doesn't everyone? I mean, some more than others, obviously. I kind of got off-track here. What was I talking about again? Ooh look a bunny.

How do you channel your anger?:
I cry or read or write.

How well do you trust others?:
I trust people.

Your Appearance

Do you think you are attractive?:
Yes. Not to sound conceited, but yes. I do.

Why or why not?:
I'm just happy with my appearance.

What is your favorite physical feature?:
My back. And my neck, like, where it sort of... I dunno, flows into my shoulders? I guess is how I'd say that.. My mom says I have an Audrey Hepburn neck.

Why do you choose this, above all?:
I LOVE BACKS (not to sound like a creep) and I love the curve of a neck. THERE. THAT'S THE PHRASE I WAS LOOKING FOR. THE CURVE OF THE NECK.

What do you think of your eyes?:
I like 'em.

Do you like the person you see in the mirror?:
Most days. There are, however, days when I look in the mirror and think "FFFFFFU. i look like crap." But everyone has those days.

Do you have a nice body?:
I guess so? My mom calls me Skinny Minnie.

Have you ever been happy with your appearance?:

What about unhappy?:
Hasn't everyone?

Has anyone ever called you ugly?:
Uhm. Not to my face. But someone once wrote "Grace *insert last name here* is a whore" in a bathroom stall at school.

Do you think you’re ugly?:
Not really. Like I said, everyone has those days where they wake up and think FUUU. I LOOK SO SHITTY.

Were you blessed with physical qualities?:
Excuse me? Are you talking about my boobs or something?? you inappropriate survey. But sure. I guess?

How important is appearance to you?:
Eh. I don't obsess over it. Although, I do have the common teenage-girl-OH-GOD-I-HAVE-A-HUGE-ZIT-ON-MY-NOSE-OR-FOREHEAD-OR-SOME-OTHER-OBVIOUS-PLACE moment.

Friends and Social Life

Let’s be vague. In general, do you like people?:
Usually. They don't normally make me want to kill small children or kick puppies.

Do you have a high or low tolerance for stupidity?:

Are you acceptant of others’ beliefs?:
So long as they don't try to shove it down my throat, sure.

Do you think you have lots of friends?:
Didn't I already answer this?

What do you think of the friends you do have?:
I love 'em. Most of the time.
Nah, they're like my family. Only a LOT LESS SANE.

Do you believe that ‘friendship is golden?:
*sings* Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, and the other gold. :musicnote:

Do you have a best friend?:
Quite a few, actually.

How long have you known this person?:
Fffff. since kindergarten, so like... 11 years? going on twelve :)

Are they like a brother/sister to you?:

Are you shy?:

Are you outgoing?:
HAHA. Have you MET me?! It's hard to keep me quiet.
... No sexual jokes please.

Have you been hurt by people?:
Mhm. :p

Have you ever intentionally hurt anyone, physically or emotionally?:
Not on purpose :O

Why or why not?:
Well I'd like to think that I'm a nice person and hurting people on purpose is NOT VERY NICE.

The things no one likes to talk about! (Touchy questions ahead.)

Has someone close to you ever died?:
Yes. My grampa and my uncle :(

Do you think about suicide?:

Have you ever tried to commit suicide?:
As a matter of fact

Do you cut?:

Do you suffer from Clinical Depression?:

Do you have an STD?:

Have you ever taken illegal drugs?:
I'm going to make a song using the word NO.

Why or why not?:

Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol?:
Ew and ew.

Last Questions

Did this quiz make you uncomfortable?:
Nope. I have FRIENDS who make me more uncomfortable than this quiz did.

Were you honest?:

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