Thursday, November 18, 2010

light your torch mount your horse

opening night ROCKED.
Belle was GORGEOUS, Chip was ADORABLE, the Beast was AWESOME. (And... If i do say so myself, those gargoyles were pretty chill.) (ha. i'm not conceited. pffft)
All in all, it went really well. We got a LOT of applause and it was just.... amazing.
Other than the fact that I killed my elbow on my mom's coffee maker this morning, wore heels all day long so my feet hurt, then ran over my toe with one of the wagons for the show, it was... AHGIEWBGASLKDNFQEITHREWSAHTIEWTHASIGHRSLIGFQUWIEHGSRDKJGP(#WY@T@OGHR"2p963p49HGLSKDGFWRHNREQGTIL
There are no words to describe it guys. :D

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